Soli Deo Gloria School of Music

Exploring God’s great gift of music!

We believe God created music for us to use to worship Him and to enjoy, and that music education can have a positive impact on many areas of learning. Our passion is to teach students of all ages to enjoy God's great gift of music by learning to play an instrument, primarily piano. We strive to provide an enjoyable learning experience, giving them a hands-on musical experience from the very first lesson, while also aiming for a comprehensive approach to music instruction, including music theory, music appreciation (history), and basic singing (solfege) skills.


We give more than just piano lessons. Our program involves a comprehensive music education that includes important areas such as music history, sight singing, and level-appropriate music theory. Every lesson is tailored to the student’s needs and personality.

Piano & Strings

Whether you want to begin with piano or are interested in learning strings (violin, cello), we have the right instructor for you!

“I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music.”

— Johann Sebastian Bach